Specialists in Weed Control, Fertiliser, Seed, Equipment & Plant Health Products

Specialists in Weed Control, Fertiliser, Seed, Equipment & Plant Health Products

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Thrust - selective control of annual/perennial broad leaved weeds in grassland

Professional Range

Thrust - selective control of annual/perennial broad leaved weeds in grassland

£74.10 Inc VAT

£61.75 Exc VAT



In Stock



For the control of Dock, Thistles and Ragwort
in established agricultural and amenity grassland


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For all Bulk order requirements please email [email protected] and an adviser will respond between 24 - 48 hours. A 10 to 15% discount is available on bulk orders depending on the product (on some products more). Please enquire for details.

Key Information

Active Ingredient
344g/l 2,4-D + 120g/l dicamba.



• A cost effective treatment for control of Thistles, Docks and many other grassland weeds
 •A reliable and flexible option for the control of Ragwort. 
• Flexible, robust product. Can be used alone or mixed with a range of other products.
• THRUST can be used by qualified professionals using a knapsack sprayer to control patches weed patches
• No worries about chemical residues or contamination of manure.

 Timing and optimum conditions
Apply in a period of active growth before the grass reaches 25 cm high in the spring or up to 25 cm after cutting. In dense crops use a higher volume of water. Weeds yellowing, under stress or damaged will be less well controlled. Avoid grassland under stress especially drought, water logging, disease or insect attack.

Grassland and amenity grassland:
Maximum application rate: 3.5 l/ha Maximum total dose: Grassland 3.5 l/ha Amenity grassland 7.0 l/ha



Size of knapsack    Amount of Thrust    Amount of water    Area Covered     
5 ltr                           45 ml                            4.96 litres                 125 m2
10 ltr                          90 ml                           9.9 litres                   250 m2
20 ltr                         180 ml                          19.8 litres                 500 m2

Weed size for best control
Thistles above are coming into bud. Apply no later than this; at flowering treatment is too late. Apply at seedling stage or up to 50 cm tall. Grass should be less than 25 cm tall
Dock re-growing two weeks after a silage cut. A good time to apply Thrust. Apply up to 25 cm tall.
RAGWORT: Rosette stage - see attached leaflet for pictoral growth stage

Always apply in good growing conditions. It is often better to treat young Ragwort in September before being frost hardened. If applied in the Spring, the Ragwort must be no more advanced than the rosette stage. Ragwort is poisonous but also unpalatable to grazing animals. Once sprayed or mown it loses its bitter taste so it is very important animals are not returned to the field until Ragwort has fully decayed or become unpalatable. This may take up to four weeks. Eliminating Ragwort from a field may take several years as Ragwort seeds can germinate for many years. The addition of an oil to Thrust will further improve control.



Important Notice

There are legal responsibilities covering the storage and use of professional use pesticides featured on this website. These responsibilities are covered by The Food and Environment Protection Act 1985 (FEPA) and Control of Pesticide Regulations 1986 (COPR). When placing an order with us, you must confirm that you have read, understand and will comply with all FEPA and COPR regulations. For details of these regulations click here.

Safe use of pesticides

There are legal responsibilities covering the storage and use of professional use pesticides. These responsibilities are covered by The Food and Environment Protection Act 1985 (FEPA) and Control of Pesticide Regulations 1986 (COPR).

Anyone who uses pesticides professionally must have received adequate training in using them safely and be skilled in the job they are carrying out, by law. In purchasing any professional product you or the end user is responsible for ensuring that these products are used in line with the industry Approved Codes of Practice. All products must be Ministry Approved Professional Product ( and all carry MAPP numbers). Always read the label and product information before use and apply safely. N.B Please be aware that by continuing you are purchasing a professional pesticide product and the operators must be compliant with the DEFRA/HSE Code for the Safe use of Pesticides.



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